Employees and customers expect businesses to demonstrate that they prioritize safety. COVID-19 is expected to remain a health concern, even with progress toward immunity. Careful planning and clear policies and protocols benefit employees, customers, and the business.

This playbook was created to assist businesses on how to keep their employees and visitors safe in the post-pandemic era. We are available immediately for consulting. Trivedi Consults is offering this playbook at a one-time fee, which includes a one-hour discussion with a senior epidemiologist.


The Opening the Office Playbook guides businesses in how to implement practices that prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus through:

  • Multi-disciplinary best practices derived from healthcare epidemiology, infection prevention, occupational health, and implementation science.

  • Safe workplace habits that prioritize infection prevention practices that systematically reduce the risk of COVID-19 while minimizing burden on individual workers.


  • At-a-glance strategies to identify practices and measures
    to open safely.

  • Recommendations synthesized from scientific evidence, guidance by national organizations and agencies working in public health and occupational safety, and practical considerations.

  • Facility adaptations for ventilation, cleaning, and shared spaces.


  • Infection prevention at-a-glance for employee safety and business continuity, during and after the pandemic.

  • How to factor COVID-19 vaccination into office policies: public health guidance, practical and logistical considerations, and legal requirements.

  • Planning for and managing potential in-office exposures
    and illness.

  • Considerations for symptom screening, screening by testing, and types of tests.

  • Considerations related to the community: gating criteria, public health, and local and jurisdictional requirements.

  • Supporting personal prevention practices for a safe workplace.

  • Commuting and travel considerations.

  • Building and in-suite adaptations and facility care, including a ventilation optimization checklist.

  • Example reopening phases and decisions based on local metrics.